Welcome to our extensive listing of research and published OIT articles. There is a LOT of published information on OIT. While oral immunotherapy continues to be studied, many of the strongest and brightest allergists have been able to take the learning from the first decade of research and apply it NOW, safely, in a private practice office setting. Here’s the trick: OIT is accomplished 93% AT HOME whether done in a clinical trial or private practice. That’s typically 14 home doses for every medically supervised updose challenge.
So dive in and start learning about OIT. Use the research and the many news media stories as your foundation, and see if there is a doctor you can call for a consult. If you want interaction and discussion, come join our OIT community to see thousands of patients–kids and adults–going through treatment. The good and the bad, it’s all out there to help YOU make the best decision you possibly can for your food allergic family member. It’s all provided here, FREE, by fellow food allergy parents to make it easy for any food allergic family to access all the OIT info in one place.
Just starting? Begin with “What is OIT?” and our quick FAQ / Q&A page. Then go through the Top 10 OIT Myths, and glance through an OIT History. Then you’ll be ready to start with our “OIT STARTER SET” below. It’s a set of some interesting articles and news media stories about OIT. All the medical journal abstracts and summaries are at the bottom–over 200 of them related to OIT and desensitization!
“OIT Starter Set” (10)
- How do I learn about OIT? I have a LOT of questions!
- Why OIT Isn’t At Your Local Allergist…
- My local allergist was 100% wrong about OIT: Is Yours?
- Dr. Wasserman: An OIT pioneer explains why normalizing life is a goal of Private Practice OIT
- POLL: 81% of OIT patients chose OIT as a treatment with the GOAL to protect against CC and accidental ingestion
- Amazing inspirational patient video: SEE lots of OIT patients!
- BLOG POST: OIT Side Effects I Was Never Warned About (Good ones!)
- Dr. Wasserman: Dallas doctors fight fire with fire using experimental desensitizing therapy; Dallas Morning News, 2014
- BLOG POST: “Doctors are Human Too”
- Dr. Wasserman interview: OIT…Just the Facts
Long-Term Effects (6)
- American Academy of Pediatrics: Controlled peanut exposure may treat allergy in young children, 2016
- Long-term treatment with egg oral immunotherapy enhances sustained unresponsiveness that persists after cessation of therapy. 2016
- Children who were treated with oral immunotherapy for cows’ milk allergy showed long-term desensitisation seven years later. 2016
- Dr. Mayer on the Difference between Desensitization and Tolerance
- BLOG: Ask About My Peanut Allergy, from 2007; by Betsy, Derek and Bo
- Oral immunotherapy for treatment of egg allergy in children. 2012
Quality of Life (3)
- Dr. Wasserman: An OIT pioneer explains why normalizing life is a goal of Private Practice OIT
- POLL: 81% of OIT patients chose OIT as a treatment with the GOAL to protect against CC and accidental ingestion
- Dr. Factor’s Quality of Life study shows OIT significantly improves food-specific quality of life
Common OIT Questions (8)
- How do I learn about OIT? I have a LOT of questions!
- Why OIT Isn’t At Your Local Allergist…
- Dr. Selter, NY: There is no such thing as being too allergic. Theoretically, any person is a good candidate for OIT.
- POLL: 81% of OIT patients chose OIT as a treatment with the GOAL to protect against CC and accidental ingestion
- How young? Early-Intervention Leads to a High Rate of Peanut Oral Immunotherapy (OIT) Success, Age 9-36 months, 2015
- How can they safely eat their allergen? “Threshold of tolerance” studies from 1997 through 2015
- Starting doses and “threshold of tolerance”
- Calling all allergists! Dr. Wasserman, PhD and MD, will share his OIT protocol with board-certified allergists
OIT Doctors: Why they Do OIT (7)
- Dr. Jacobs: “Why I perform oral immunotherapy to foods”
- Dr. Jacobs: Why I (still) perform oral immunotherapy to foods
- Dr. Eckman, OH: Many who have gone through OIT feel it has been “life changing”
- Dr. Dinger: “OIT for Peanut Allergy”
- Dr. Selter, NY: There is no such thing as being too allergic. Theoretically, any person is a good candidate for OIT.
- Dr. Randhawa’s unique OIT protocol and his approach to desensitization
- Amazing inspirational patient video: SEE lots of OIT patients!
Family Blogs (41)
- BLOGS: List of 13 private Facebook groups about their family’s OIT journey
- BLOG: OIT Mommy: An oral immunotherapy story; by Heidi and C
- BLOG: Making Friends with Mr. Peanut: by Jen and Leah
- BLOG: Fed Up: Our Food Allergy Oral Immunotherapy Journey; by Katie and Brendan
- BLOG: Naughty Nuts! Kaitlyn’s peanut OIT journey; by Jennifer and Kaitlyn
- BLOG: He Wants to Eat Peanuts; by Kristy and G
- BLOG POST: OIT Side Effects I Was Never Warned About (Good ones!)
- Allergy-Free Mom: Peanut, Egg and Milk OIT, by Sharissa and Nathan
- BLOG POST: “Doctors are Human Too”
- BLOG: Arizona Food Allergy Alliance Guest Blogger– “Adventures in OIT” by Amy
- BLOG: Ask About My Peanut Allergy, from 2007; by Betsy, Derek and Bo
- BLOG: Grits, Grins and Gripes, by Kira and Elias
- BLOG: POP: Power Over Peanuts; by Elizabeth and Ethan
- BLOG: Isabella’s Prison Break; by Erin and Isabella
- BLOG: Evan’s Journey with OIT; by Leigh Ann and Evan
OIT Doctors & Patients in the News (37)
- Drs Inamdar & Mandal: Treatment for deadly peanut allergy exposes children to peanuts, SacBee, CA, 2014
- Dr. Randhawa: Miller Children’s Hospital Long Beach Opens First Pediatric Food Allergy Center in Southern California; Reuters, 2013
- Expert Allergist and Immunologist Sanjeev Jain, MD, PhD, to be Recognized as a 2016 Top Doctor Leading Physicians of the World, 2016
- Dr. Wasserman: An OIT pioneer explains why normalizing life is a goal of Private Practice OIT
- Dr. Nash: Oral Immunotherapy May Desensitize Allergic Children; WebMD, 2007
- Dr. Factor: Nut Allergies May Be Going Extinct; Apex Tribune, 2015
- Dr. Mansfield: Oral Immunotherapy for Peanut Anaphylaxis With Peanut Flour and Peanuts: Presented at ACAAI; PeerVoice, 2007
- Dr Factor: Peanut allergies tough nut to crack; Hartford Business Journal; 2012
- Dr. Baker: Experimental treatment for peanut allergies debated, KPLU News, 2012
- Dr. Molis: Fighting food allergies since 2011, CBS affiiate, KCCI, IA
- Dr. Love: Green Country families try experimental procedure to stop food allergies, FOX 23 News, 2016
- Dr. Shah, The Amazing Allergist on WABC-TV, NY, 2013
- Dr. Nash: Beating Peanut Allergies; CBS Morning News, 2007
- Dr Soteres: Interview with Dr. Danny Soteres; Allergic Child, 2011
- Dr. Inamdar: Doctors pioneering peanut desensitization program, KRCA, NBC affiliate, CA, 2015
Other OIT media coverage (5)
- National Institute of Health: “Oral Immunotherapy Is Safe, Effective Treatment for Peanut-Allergic Preschoolers,” 2016
- American Academy of Pediatrics: Controlled peanut exposure may treat allergy in young children, 2016
- Treating Food Allergies, WebMD
- Doctors are fighting peanut allergies with peanuts – WNDU, NBC affiliate, NC, 2016
- Oral Immunotherapy for Food Allergy: Not Ready for Prime Time; and rebuttal from Dr. Factor, 2012
Videos (18)
- Drs Inamdar & Mandal: Treatment for deadly peanut allergy exposes children to peanuts, SacBee, CA, 2014
- Dr. Dinger: “OIT for Peanut Allergy”
- Dr. Molis: Fighting food allergies since 2011, CBS affiiate, KCCI, IA
- Dr. Shah, The Amazing Allergist on WABC-TV, NY, 2013
- Dr. Inamdar: Doctors pioneering peanut desensitization program, KRCA, NBC affiliate, CA, 2015
- Amazing inspirational patient video: SEE lots of OIT patients!
- Dr. Wexler: Minnesota Allergist Aims To Wipe Out Allergies By Toughening Immune Systems; WCCO, CBS affiliate, 2015
- Dr. Wasserman: Dallas doctors fight fire with fire using experimental desensitizing therapy; Dallas Morning News, 2014
- Doctors are fighting peanut allergies with peanuts – WNDU, NBC affiliate, NC, 2016
- “My Kryptonite” by Susan
- Dr. Mandal: Peanut-Allergy Treatment Could Build Child’s Tolerance, Ease Parents’ Worries; CBS affiiate, CA, 2015
- Dr. Factor: Patients desensitized with small doses of peanuts; WTMTW – an ABC affiliate, CT, 2014
- Dr. Factor: Growing controversy over peanut allergy treatment; WTNH, CT, 2016
- Dr. Chacko on “Weekend Express” talking about LEAP and OIT; GA, 2016
- Dr. Dinger: Revolutionary treatment reverses dangerous food allergies, 2017
Key Studies & Publications. Medical Journals, 1908-Present (22)
- Early oral immunotherapy in peanut-allergic preschool children is safe and highly effective. 2016
- Long-term treatment with egg oral immunotherapy enhances sustained unresponsiveness that persists after cessation of therapy. 2016
- Tolerance Induction By Oral Immunotherapy in Patients with Cow’s Milk Allergy. 2016
- Early Peanut OIT-Induced Suppression of Basophil Reactivity Is a Marker of Sustained Unresponsiveness, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2016
- The Efficacy of AR101, a Peanut-Derived Pharmaceutical for Oral Immunotherapy (OIT), Is Maintained and Tolerability Is Increased with Low-Dose Maintenance Therapy. 2016
- Administration of a probiotic with peanut oral immunotherapy: A randomized trial. 2015
- The eliciting dose of peanut in double-blind, placebo-controlled food challenges decreases with increasing age and specific IgE level in children and young adults, 2011
- Oral immunotherapy for peanut allergy: multipractice experience with epinephrine-treated reactions. 2014
- Sustained unresponsiveness to peanut in subjects who have completed peanut oral immunotherapy. 2014
- Editorial: Oral Immunotherapy for the Treatment of Peanut Allergy: Is It Ready for Prime Time? 2014
- Assessing the efficacy of oral immunotherapy for the desensitisation of peanut allergy in children (STOP II): a phase 2 randomised controlled trial. 2014
- Oral immunotherapy for treatment of egg allergy in children. 2012
- Oral Immunotherapy for Food Allergy: Not Ready for Prime Time; and rebuttal from Dr. Factor, 2012
- A randomized controlled study of peanut oral immunotherapy: clinical desensitization and modulation of the allergic response. 2011
- Peanut oral immunotherapy is not ready for clinical use. 2010
Medical Journals: OIT Publications 2016 (60)
- Early oral immunotherapy in peanut-allergic preschool children is safe and highly effective. 2016
- Long-term treatment with egg oral immunotherapy enhances sustained unresponsiveness that persists after cessation of therapy. 2016
- Tolerance Induction By Oral Immunotherapy in Patients with Cow’s Milk Allergy. 2016
- Children who were treated with oral immunotherapy for cows’ milk allergy showed long-term desensitisation seven years later. 2016
- Early Peanut OIT-Induced Suppression of Basophil Reactivity Is a Marker of Sustained Unresponsiveness, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2016
- The Efficacy of AR101, a Peanut-Derived Pharmaceutical for Oral Immunotherapy (OIT), Is Maintained and Tolerability Is Increased with Low-Dose Maintenance Therapy. 2016
- Quality of Life in Patients during Oral Immunotherapy for Food Allergy. 2016
- Peanut Allergy: New Developments and Clinical Implications. 2016
- Component-resolved analysis of IgA, IgE, and IgG4 during egg OIT identifies markers associated with sustained unresponsiveness. 2016
- Toward precision medicine and health: Opportunities and challenges in allergic diseases. 2016
- Desensitization to Walnut and Test Tree Nuts during a Double Blind, Placebo Controlled Walnut Oral Immunotherapy Trial, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2016
- New Therapeutic Strategies for Peanut-Related Allergy. 2016
- Comparisons of outcomes with food immunotherapy strategies: efficacy, dosing, adverse effects, and tolerance. 2016
- Management of Food Allergy to Fish with Oral Immunotherapy: A Pediatric Case Report. 2016
- Investigation of peanut oral immunotherapy with CpG/peanut nanoparticles in a murine model of peanut allergy. 2016
Medical Journals: OIT Publications 2015 (41)
- The changing field of food allergy. 2015
- Oral immunotherapy and anti-IgE antibody treatment for food allergy. 2015
- Is clinical tolerance possible after allergen immunotherapy? 2015
- Sublingual immunotherapy for peanut allergy: Long-term follow-up of a randomized multicenter trial. 2015
- Administration of a probiotic with peanut oral immunotherapy: A randomized trial. 2015
- Tree nut allergy: risk factors for development, mitigation of reaction risk and current efforts in desensitization. 2015
- Food specific oral immunotherapy: a potential treatment for food allergy. Expert Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2015
- Successful desensitization in a boy with severe cow’s milk allergy by a combination therapy using omalizumab and rush oral immunotherapy. 2015
- Current Options for the Treatment of Food Allergy. 2015
- Oral immunotherapy and potential treatment. 2015
- How young? Early-Intervention Leads to a High Rate of Peanut Oral Immunotherapy (OIT) Success, Age 9-36 months, 2015
- A Web site-based reporting system for monitoring home treatment during oral immunotherapy for food allergy. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2015
- Oral immunotherapy and potential treatment. 2015
- Food Allergy: Our Evolving Understanding of Its Pathogenesis, Prevention, and Treatment. 2015
- Oral Immunotherapy for Peanut Allergy. 2015
Medical Journals: OIT Publications 2014 (30)
- Loss of allergenic proteins during boiling explains tolerance to boiled peanut in peanut allergy. 2014
- Immunotherapy for peanut allergy. 2014
- Developing therapies for peanut allergy. 2014
- State of the art on food allergen immunotherapy: oral, sublingual and epicutaneous. 2014
- Oral immunotherapy for peanut allergy: multipractice experience with epinephrine-treated reactions. 2014
- Sustained unresponsiveness to peanut in subjects who have completed peanut oral immunotherapy. 2014
- State of the art and perspectives in food allergy (part II): therapy. 2014
- Editorial: Oral Immunotherapy for the Treatment of Peanut Allergy: Is It Ready for Prime Time? 2014
- Assessing the efficacy of oral immunotherapy for the desensitisation of peanut allergy in children (STOP II): a phase 2 randomised controlled trial. 2014
- Current opinion and review on peanut oral immunotherapy. 2014
- Immunotherapy in food allergy: towards new strategies. 2014
- Novel approaches to food allergy. 2014
- Novel strategy to create hypoallergenic peanut protein-polyphenol edible matrices for oral immunotherapy. 2014
- Strategies to mitigate peanut allergy: production, processing, utilization, and immunotherapy considerations. 2014
- Oral and sublingual immunotherapy for food allergy. 2014
Medical Journals: OIT Publications 2012-2013 (40)
- Sublingual versus oral immunotherapy for peanut-allergic children: a retrospective comparison. 2013
- Allergy to goat’s and sheep’s milk in a population of cow’s milk-allergic children treated with oral immunotherapy. 2013
- A pilot study of omalizumab to facilitate rapid oral desensitization in high-risk peanut-allergic patients. 2013
- Can we produce true tolerance in patients with food allergy? 2013
- Milk oral immunotherapy is effective in school-aged children. 2013
- Allergic properties of enzymatically hydrolyzed peanut flour extracts. 2013
- Clinical thresholds to egg, hazelnut, milk and peanut: results from a single-center study using standardized challenges. 2012
- Oral immunotherapy for treatment of egg allergy in children. 2012
- The 2S albumin allergens of Arachis hypogaea Ara h 2 and Ara h 6 are the major 13 elicitors of anaphylaxis and can effectively desensitize peanut-allergic mice. 2012
- Increased peanut specific IgA levels in saliva correlate with food challenge outcomes after peanut sublingual immunotherapy. 2012
- Oral and sublingual immunotherapy for food allergy: current progress and future directions. 2013
- Peanut Allergy, Allergen Composition, and Methods of Reducing Allergenicity: A Review. 2013
- Sublingual versus oral immunotherapy for peanut allergic children: A retrospective comparison. 2013
- Oral food desensitization in children with IgE-mediated hen’s egg allergy: a new protocol with raw hen’s egg. 2012
- Peanut oral immunotherapy modifies IgE and IgG4 responses to major peanut allergens. 2012
Medical Journals: OIT Publications 2009-2011 (24)
- A phase II, randomized, double-blind, parallel-group, placebo-controlled oral food challenge trial of Xolair (omalizumab) in peanut allergy. 2011
- Oral desensitization with food is food-specific and protein-specific. 2011
- Sublingual immunotherapy for peanut allergy: clinical and immunologic evidence of desensitization. 2011
- Pioneering immunotherapy for food allergy: clinical outcomes and modulation of the immune response. 2011
- Food allergy therapy: is a cure within reach? 2011
- Efficacy and safety of high-dose peanut oral immunotherapy with factors predicting outcome. 2011
- The eliciting dose of peanut in double-blind, placebo-controlled food challenges decreases with increasing age and specific IgE level in children and young adults, 2011
- The safety and efficacy of sublingual and oral immunotherapy for milk allergy. 2011
- Oral desensitization for food hypersensitivity. 2011
- Individualized IgE-based dosing of egg oral immunotherapy and the development of tolerance. 2010
- Peanut allergy. 2010
- Oral peanut immunotherapy in children with peanut anaphylaxis. 2010
- Oral immunotherapy for cow’s milk allergy with a weekly up-dosing regimen: a randomized single-blind controlled study. 2010
- A randomized controlled study of peanut oral immunotherapy: clinical desensitization and modulation of the allergic response. 2011
- Is oral immunotherapy the cure for food allergies? 2010
Medical journals: OIT Publications 2005-2008 (14)
- Oral desensitization in children with milk and egg allergies obtains recovery in a significant proportion of cases. A randomized study in 60 children with cow’s milk allergy and 90 children with egg allergy. 2007
- Life-threatening anaphylaxis to kiwi fruit: protective sublingual allergen immunotherapy effect persists even after discontinuation. 2007
- Food allergies: prevalence, molecular characterization, and treatment/prevention strategies. 2006
- Food-exercise-induced anaphylaxis in a boy successfully desensitized to cow milk. 2007
- The impact of food allergy on the daily activities of children and their families. 2006
- Specific oral tolerance induction with food in children: transient or persistent effect on food allergy? 2005
- Sublingual immunotherapy for hazelnut food allergy: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study with a standardized hazelnut extract. 2005
- Sublingual immunotherapy for hazelnut food allergy: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study with a standardized hazelnut extract. 2005
- Food allergy QoL questionnaire for children aged 0-12 years: content, construct, and cross-cultural validity. 2008
- Oral specific desensitization in food-allergic children. 2007
- A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of milk oral immunotherapy for cow’s milk allergy. 2008
- Egg oral immunotherapy in nonanaphylactic children with egg allergy. 2007
- Specific oral tolerance induction in children with very severe cow’s milk–induced reactions; 2008
Medical Journals: OIT Publications 2000-2004 (20)
- Pons L, Ponnappan U, Hall RA, Simpson P, Cockrell G, West CM, Sampson HA, Helm RM, Burks AW. Soy immunotherapy for peanut-allergic mice: Modulation of the peanut-allergic response. 2004
- A consensus protocol for determination of the threshold doses for allergenic foods: How much is too much? 2004
- Update on threshold doses of food allergens: implications for patients and the food industry. 2004
- Peanut Allergy: recurrence and its management. 2004
- Novel approaches to immunotherapy for food allergy. 2004
- A protocol for oral desensitization in children with IgE-mediated cow’s milk allergy. 2004
- Development of a questionnaire to measure quality of life in families with a child with food allergy. 2004
- New perspectives for the treatment of food allergy (peanut). 2003
- Oral desensitizing treatment in food allergy: clinical and immunological results. 2003
- Thresholds of clinical reactivity to milk, egg, peanut and sesame in immunoglobulin E-dependent allergies: evaluation by double-blind or single-blind placebo-controlled oral challenges. 2003
- Factors affecting the determination of threshold doses for allergenic foods: How much is too much? 2002
- The distribution of individual threshold doses eliciting allergic reactions in a population with peanut allergy. 2002
- Is there a role for anti-IgE in combination with specific allergen immunotherapy? 2003
- Classic specific immunotherapy and new perspectives in specific immunotherapy for food allergy. 2003
- Effect of anti-IgE therapy in patients with peanut allergy. 2003
Medical Journals: OIT Publications 1908-1999 (12)
- An evaluation of the sensitivity of subjects with peanut allergy to very low doses of peanut protein: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled food challenge study. 1997
- Oral rush desensitization to milk. 1999
- Immunotherapy for food allergies. Past, present, future. 1999
- Local immunotherapy. 1998
- Food allergy in children: results of a standardized protocol for oral desensitization. 1998
- Treatment of anaphylactic sensitivity to peanuts by immunotherapy with injections of aqueous peanut extract. 1997
- Treatment of peanut allergy with rush immunotherapy. 1992
- Oral specific hyposensitization in the management of patients allergic to food. 1984
- Intolerance of beta-lactoglobulin with anaphylactic shock ameliorated by desensitization. 1969
- Typical milk-egg albumen allergy and its desensitization therapy. 1968
- A case of egg poisoning. 1908