BLOGS: List of 13 private Facebook groups about their family’s OIT journey

There are over 50 OIT family food allergy blogs published in our Research & Learn library. They contain the journey of that family in OIT–some are in clinical trials, and others are in private practice with board-certified allergists. All the blogs are fascinating to read, full of wisdom and knowledge unique to that family’s journey.

This is a list of private Facebook blogs about OIT journeys in search of remission from food allergy. You can contact the parents, listed under “Administrator” if you would like to join their group and read about their journey.


BLOG: Reid All About OIT; Bethany and Reid
BLOG: Dillion’s Quest to Freedom; by Amber and Dillon
BLOG: Peanut Freedom; by Hilary
BLOG: Anderson’s Allergy Avengers; by Amy and Anderson
BLOG: Livvie lunges into life without limits! By Lisa and Livvie
BLOG: Michael’s Journey to Peanut Desensitization, by Olivia, Leonard and Michael
BLOG: Saoirse Conquers Peanut Allergy; by Pamela and Saoirse
BLOG: E’s Peanut Free Journey; by Chad, Angie and E
BLOG: Andrew’s Allergy Treatment Adventure; by Jennie and Andrew
BLOG: Carter’s Peanut Crusade
BLOG: Peanut Allergy: Anaphylaxis Free Quest with Brennan; by Missy and Brennan
BLOG: Three Grains of Sand, by Charlene and Clare
BLOG: Savannah’s Journey to FREEDOM! by Edie Lou and Savannah


Site created by Food Allergy Parents like YOU ! … They said there were NO TREATMENTS for food allergy!