Comparisons of outcomes with food immunotherapy strategies: efficacy, dosing, adverse effects, and tolerance. 2016

Comparisons of outcomes with food immunotherapy strategies: efficacy, dosing, adverse effects, and tolerance.



In the recent decade, oral immunotherapy has been studied in many clinical trials and entails many problems including a low efficacy for real tolerance and a high rate of induced symptoms. The optimal dose for inducing tolerance is unknown. The aim of this review was to clarify the efficacy and safety of oral immunotherapy, focusing on low doses.


We reviewed articles published in a few years or articles dealing with oral immunotherapy focusing on a low dose. We summarize recent articles on oral immunotherapy and those focusing on low doses.


Although lower doses for oral immunotherapy appear to cause fewer adverse reactions and be more effective than strict elimination, this strategy may be less effective than oral immunotherapy involving larger doses. The optimal dose for inducing tolerance is still unknown.

Link To:

Yanagida N1, Sato S, Asaumi T, Ebisawa M.

Comparisons of outcomes with food immunotherapy strategies: efficacy, dosing, adverse effects, and tolerance.

Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol. 2016 Aug;16(4):396-403. doi: 10.1097/ACI.0000000000000290.



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