New approach for food allergy management using low-dose oral food challenges and low-dose oral immunotherapies. 2016

New approach for food allergy management using low-dose oral food challenges and low-dose oral immunotherapies.


A number of studies have suggested that a large subset of children (approximately 70%) who react to unheated milk or egg can tolerate extensively heated forms of these foods. A diet that includes baked milk or egg is well tolerated and appears to accelerate the development of regular milk or egg tolerance when compared with strict avoidance. However, the indications for an oral food challenge (OFC) using baked products are limited for patients with high specific IgE values or large skin prick test diameters. Oral immunotherapies (OITs) are becoming increasingly popular for the management of food allergies. However, the reported efficacy of OIT is not satisfactory, given the high frequency of symptoms and requirement for long-term therapy. With food allergies, removing the need to eliminate a food that could be consumed in low doses could significantly improve quality of life. This review discusses the importance of an OFC and OIT that use low doses of causative foods as the target volumes. Utilizing an OFC or OIT with a low dose as the target volume could be a novel approach for accelerating the tolerance to causative foods.

Copyright © 2015 Japanese Society of Allergology. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Disease management; Food hypersensitivity; Immunoglobulin; Immunotherapy; Pediatrics

Link to: New approach for food allergy management using low-dose oral food challenges and low-dose oral immunotherapies., Allergol Int. 2016 Apr;65(2):135-40.



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