We welcome Dr. Andrew Dang, MD of Premiere Allergy in Columbus, OH to our Private Practice OIT Provider List.
Andy Dang, MD., grew up in Allentown, PA. and is extremely passionate about the management of food allergy, with special interests in food allergy immunotherapy as well as social communication and perception of food allergy.
“Our son is currently undergoing peanut OIT with Dr. Dang at the Dublin location. Initially, we were apprehensive about beginning this process because it’s terrifying to feed your child an allergen that they have had anaphylactic reactions to in the past. But the moment I met Dr. Dang and his nurse, Heather, I KNEW that we were in great hands. We make an hour drive every week for my son’s (increase), and it is truly the highlight of our week. Dr. Dang and “Miss Heather” feel like family and my kids enjoy the toys and tv in the immunotherapy lounge. I thought I’d dread our weekly visits since the thought of exposing my son to peanuts is anxiety inducing, but it’s honestly something we look forward to because they have proven time and time again that we are in the best hands. They go above and beyond in every way they can. I am convinced there’s not a better allergist and nurse than Dr. Dang and Miss Heather. I’ll never be able to adequately thank them for changing our lives with their knowledge and compassion through this OIT process. ” (Comment used with author’s knowledge and permission.)
When not working, Dr. Dang enjoys reading, playing guitar, and tennis.
2015 – 2018 Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Cincinnati, OH
Allergy & Immunology Fellow
2012 – 2015 Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Columbus, OH
Pediatric Resident
2008 – 2012 Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
Cleveland, OH
M.D. Degree, Class of 2012
2004 – 2008 Duke University Pratt School of Engineering
Durham, NC
B.S.E. in Biomedical Engineering, Class of 2008
Licensing and Board Certification
2015 American Board of Pediatrics
2014 Ohio State Medical Board License
Professional Organizations
2015 – present American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology
2015 – present American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology
2008- 2012 Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association, officer
Committees and Other Memberships
2017 – present AAAAI, Fellows-In-Training Committee, Social Media Liaison
2017 AAAAI, Chrysalis Project Mentor
2016 – present A/I Fellowship Curriculum Committee
2015 – present A/I Fellowship Quality/Improvement Committee
2013 – 2014 Residency House Staff Advisory Council
2007 – 2008 Duke Vietnamese Students Association, co-founder
Lecture Presentations
Dang, A. “Investigating Platelets in Anaphylaxis.” 19 Jun 2016. Research Data Club.
Dang, A. “Allergy/Immunology for the Pediatric Boards.” Cincinnati Children’s
Hospital, Cincinnati, OH. 5 Jun 2017. Resident lecture.
Dang, A. “Basophils and Platelets in Allergic Reactions: Partners in Crime?”
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Cincinnati, OH. 15 Mar 2017. Research Presentation.
Dang, A. “Allergy vaccines – a future alternative to allergy shots?” Cincinnati
Children’s Hospital, Cincinnati, OH. 25 Jan 2017. Journal Club.
Dang, A. “Use of flow cytometry to measure change in intracellular calcium of mouse
peritoneal mast cells after LPS treatment.” 17 Oct 2016. Research Data Club.
Dang, A. “An unusual case of immunodeficiency.” Cincinnati Children’s Hospital,
Cincinnati, OH. 12 Oct 2016. Immunology Grand Rounds.
Dang, A. “Surfactant Deficiency.” Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Cincinnati, OH. 12
May 2016. Interesting Case Conference.
Dang, A. “Reading be-Tween the Lines of Polysorbate Allergy.” University of
Cincinnati Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH. 11 May 2016. Immunology Grand
Dang, A. “Perioperative Anaphylaxis.” Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Cincinnati,
OH. 14 Apr 2015. Interesting Case Conference.
Dang, A. “Periodic fever with aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis and adenitis (PFAPA) –
a problem of innate immunity?” Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Cincinnati, OH. 3
Nov 2015. Primary Immune Deficiency Conference.
Dang, A. “CVID and unexplained fevers.” Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Cincinnati,
OH. 24 Sep 2015. Interesting Case Conference.
2016-2018 Trainee, NIH T32 Research Training Grant T32AI060515
Project Director: David I. Bernstein, MD
2017 Travel Scholarship, 2017 American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology
Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA
2017 Best Research Poster, Cincinnati Allergy and Asthma Society, February Meeting,
Cincinnati, OH
2015 Travel Scholarship, 2015 American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology
Annual Scientific Meeting, San Antonio, TX
Research Experience
2015 – present Clinical Allergy Fellow, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Department
of Allergy and Immunology, Cincinnati, OH
Preceptor: Simon Hogan, PhD
Project: Lab investigation into the role of platelets and basophils in food allergy and
2015 – present Clinical Allergy Fellow, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Department
of Allergy and Immunology, Cincinnati, OH
Preceptor: Amal Assa’ad, MD
Project: Chart review investigating factors affecting oral food challenge outcomes.
2013 – 2015 Resident Researcher, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Department of Allergy and
Preceptor: Irene Mikhail, MD
Project: Chart review investigating FPIES and oral food challenges, abstract
2010 Summer Research Medical Student, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center,
Department of Emergency Medicine
Preceptor: Jackie Grupp-Phelan, MD, MPH
Project: Chart review investigating maternal somatoform disorder and pediatric ED
usage, peer-reviewed original article published.
2005 – 2008 Independent-Study Student Researcher, Duke University, Duke Cancer Institute,
Durham, NC
Preceptor: Gerard Blobe, MD, PhD
Project: Investigation into the role of type III receptor of the TGF-beta pathway in
liver cancer cell formation.
Peer-reviewed Publications
Dang, AT, Ho, M, and Grupp-Phelan, J. Maternal somatic symptoms, psychosocial
correlates, and subsequent pediatric emergency department use. Pediatr Emerg Care.
Feb 2013. 29(2):170-174.
Dang, AT, Schwartz, G, Jones, L, Absalon, MJ, McMasters, RL, Assa’ad, AH. An
unusual cause of fever in a patient with common variable immunodeficiency. Ann
Allergy Asthma Immunol. Sep 2017. 119(3):210-213.
Accepted Publication
Wang N, McKell, M, Dang, A, Yamani, A, Waggoner, L, Noah, T, Wu, D,
Kordowski, A, Koehl, J, Hoebe, K, Divanovic, S, Hogan, S. Lipopolysaccharide
suppresses IgE-mast cell mediated reactions. Clin Exp Allergy. Aug 2017. Accepted
manuscript online, doi: 10.1111/cea.13013
Abstracts and Poster Presentations
Dang, AT, Mikhail, I. Safety of Performing Oral Food Challenges to Food ProteinInduced Enterocolitis Syndrome Patients in the Outpatient Clinic. J Allergy Clin
Immunol. Feb 2015. 135(2):AB47.
Poster session presented at: Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Disorders and FPIES.
2015 AAAAI Annual Meeting; 2015 Feb 20-24; Houston, TX.
Dang, AT, Chundi, P, Perez Ramirez, L, Morris, D, Goodman, M, Assa’ad, AH.
Epinephrine ordering and utilization for in-office oral food challenges: standardization
of practice. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Nov 2015. 115(5): A110.
Poster session presented at: International Food Allergy Symposium. 2015 ACAAI
Annual Meeting; 2015 Nov 5-9; San Antonio, TX.
Dang, AT, Schwartz, G, Jones, L, Absalon, MJ, McMasters, RL, Assa’ad, AH. A
Case of Histoplasmosis and Renal Extranodal Marginal Zone Lymphoma in a Patient
with Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID) and Granulomatous-Lymphocytic
Interstitial Lung Disease (GLILD). J Allergy Clin Immunol. Feb 2016.
Poster session presented at: Primary Immunodeficiency. 2016 AAAAI Annual
Meeting; 2016 Mar 3-6; Atlanta, GA.
Community Service
2008 – 2012 Community Health Initiative, Cleveland, OH
Medical student volunteer for free health clinic
2008 – 2012 National Minority Health Month free clinics, Cleveland, OH
Medical student volunteer and organizer of free health clinics for local Asian
communities, funded by MHM Grant awarded from Ohio Commission on Minority
Health for 2009 and 2010.
2004 – 2005 Health Careers Internship Program Volunteer, Duke Hospital Oncology/Hematology
Department, Durham, NC
Volunteer and advocate for patients
2001 – 2004 Student Hospital Volunteer, Lehigh Valley Hospital, Allentown, PA
Additional Language
Conversational Vietnamese

At Premier Allergy, we have been doing many oral food challenges since starting OIT. Here Dr. Dang is educating our entire staff on oral food challenges.
Premier Allergy & Asthma
6565 Perimeter Dr
Dublin, OH 43016
Click here to visit our website.
Other OIT Allergists in practice:
Dr. Gital Patel, MD
Dr. Summit Shah, MD
OIT Details
State: Ohio
Treats single/multi allergens at once:
Offers SLIT for food allergens:
Additional Features: